“Love is like a hurricane, unpredictable and destructive, leaving a trail of broken hearts in its wake.”

“I gave you my heart, but you gave it back to me in pieces.”

“It hurts to love someone who doesn’t love you back, but it hurts even more to see someone you love, love someone else.”

“Sometimes, the person you love the most, ends up hurting you the worst.”

“Love is supposed to heal wounds, not create them.”

“The saddest thing about love is that it’s never enough; we always crave more.”

“Why is it that the one person who makes you feel complete, is the same person who can shatter your world in an instant?”

“Love is a beautiful tragedy – it brings both joy and sorrow in equal measure.”

“I don’t know why I keep holding on to the memories of a love that no longer exists.”

“You promised forever, but forever didn’t last.”

“The worst kind of heartbreak is when you lose someone you never thought you would.” CHOIR MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

“Love is a risk. A risk of getting hurt, but also a risk of finding pure happiness.”

“Love is a double-edged sword – it can give you wings to fly or chains to bind.”

“Sometimes, the one who loves the hardest ends up hurting the most.”

“You are my universe, but I’m just a passing star in yours.”

“Love can feel like a beautiful dream, until you wake up to find it was all just an illusion.”

“Love isn’t always fair; it’s often cruel and unforgiving.”

“The saddest love is the one that never had a chance to bloom.”

“Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like trying to hold on to sand – no matter how tightly you grip it, it will always slip away.”

“Sometimes, the greatest act of love is letting go.”

“Love is a battlefield; we fight for it, but sometimes we lose ourselves in the process.”