“Gwell anghywirion heb wybodaeth na meddwl na synnwyr.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Better foolish without knowledge than to think without understanding.”

“Nid aur yw popeth melyn.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Not everything yellow is gold.”

“Byddwn yn gorffwys pan fyddwn wedi gwrando damcaniaethau dyddiesgawl.” – Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet, meaning “I’ll rest when I’ve listened to daily propaganda.”

“Nid oes daioni yn fyw am byth.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Goodness does not live forever.”

“Gofyn a bara, a byddai pob beth yn oedolion.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Ask for bread and you will get everything.”

“Nid byrdin i mi, bid i dduw.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Not revenge for me, but for God.”

“Rhaid lladd y gwlith gynt na’i ermwyn.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “You must kill the frost earlier than its laughter.”

“Cadw’r hoof a chaiff ei foddi.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Keep the hoof and it will be defeated.”

“Er gwaetha pawb a wna i, rwyt ti’n iawn bob amser.” – Cerys Matthews, Welsh singer, meaning “Despite what everyone else does, you’re always right.”

“Yn fawr o ddigon sydd yn lle’r prif fawr.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “A great deal is as good as the chief.”

“Fel gymro, mae fy nghymdogaeth i’n wir.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “As a Welshman, my neighbourhood is true.”

“Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Do the little things in life.”

“Nid mawr sy’n wir, mawr sy’n wir.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “What is true is not always great; what is great is true.”

“Fy enaid yw taith fawr trwy’r byd.” – Gareth Bale, Welsh footballer, meaning “My soul is the great journey through the world.”

“Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “A nation without language is a nation without a heart.” MISSING MY DEAD HUSBAND QUOTES IN HINDI

“Y gwr sy’n siarad yn aml, nid oes dim iddo ‘nghlywed.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “The man who speaks often has nothing to say.”

“Carwn i fod yn y gwynt, gan lusgo’r môr draw i mewn.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “I would like to be the wind, dragging the sea inward.”

“Dyma ganu’r cusan wnaethan ni’n sbri yn yr haf.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Here is the song that we enjoyed in the summer.”

“Wrth siarad, mae pwyll yn ymyl.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “While speaking, wisdom is near.”

“Yr hyn sydd ar ei ben, yw ‘run arall.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “What is on its head is another head.”

“Diflannu fel y croyw.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Disappearing like a deer.”

“Dyfal donc a dyr y garreg.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Persistent tapping breaks the stone.”

“Rho dy ben yn ôl fel bu’r cyntaf.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Put your head back as it was at first.”

“Heddwch a chariad sydd i’r bywyd.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Peace and love are for life.”

“Yr Hedd Wylo’r Llwynog.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “The peace makes the fox weep.”

“Llwyddiant mawr yn achosi gofid.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Great success causes sorrow.”

“Ar drych i gŵn nai droed.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “On a mirror, the foot loves to tread.”

“Bydd pob dryw yn adar.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Every bird will be a bird.”

“Heb law, heb dwylo.” – A Welsh proverb meaning “Without hands, without fingers.”