Here are 24 quotes related to the phrase “Blood for the Blood God!”, which is commonly associated with Warhammer 40,000:

“Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!” – Khorne, the Blood God

“The thirst for battle is unquenchable! Blood for the Blood God!” – Unknown

“The drums of war echo through the ages; it is our duty to spill blood for the Blood God!” – Unknown

“In the name of Khorne, we shall harvest the blood of our enemies!” – Unknown

“Blood flows as tribute to our relentless deity. Khorne, hear our call!” – Unknown

“The relentless tide of carnage will never end. Blood for the Blood God!” – Unknown

“Our enemies tremble as they witness the madness and savagery of the Blood God!” – Unknown

“Khorne thirsts for blood, and we shall provide it abundantly!” – Unknown

“Embrace the fury within you, let the Blood God guide your blades!” – Unknown

“We are the instruments of Khorne’s wrath, destined to bathe the battlefield in blood!” – Unknown

“There is no greater honor than to offer your blood for the Blood God!” – Unknown

“The weak crave peace, but true warriors yearn for the sanguinary blessings of Khorne!” – Unknown GOOD BYE QUOTES FOR COMPANY

“Bathing in blood, we revel in Khorne’s divine ecstasy!” – Unknown

“The Blood God’s gaze falls upon us, demanding a testament of blood!” – Unknown

“Our battle cries are drenched in the blood of fallen foes, praise the Blood God!” – Unknown

“In the crucible of combat, we are born anew, remade through blood and Khorne’s blessing.” – Unknown

“Every drop of blood spilled honors Khorne, our wrathful deity!” – Unknown

“The Blood God demands sacrifice! His thirst must be quenched!” – Unknown

“In the name of Khorne, we shall bathe this world in the blood of our enemies!” – Unknown

“Khorne’s disciples revel in the slaughter, their blades an extension of his will!” – Unknown

“The rivers of blood we unleash upon our foes shall be our victory anthem!” – Unknown

“Spill blood in Khorne’s name, and the echoes of your triumph will resonate beyond death!” – Unknown

“In Khorne’s embrace, our enemies shall drown in a tide of their own life essence!” – Unknown

“Pledge your allegiance to Khorne, and let the rivers of blood flow eternal!” – Unknown