“Although you are not physically with us, you are forever in my heart, my precious angel.”

“To my little one in heaven, you may be gone but your love and presence will always be remembered.”

“Even though you were only with us for a short while, you brought immeasurable joy to my life.”

“You may be an angel in heaven now, but you will forever be my baby.”

“Every Mother’s Day, I remember and celebrate the precious moments we had together, my heaven-bound baby.”

“No distance or time can ever separate a mother’s love for her baby, even if they are in heaven.”

“In my heart, you will forever remain, my sweet angel baby.”

“I may not be able to hold you in my arms, but I hold you in my heart every day.”

“You taught me the true meaning of unconditional love, my angel in heaven.”

“Though you are not physically here, the bond between us is unbreakable, my baby in heaven.”

“Your presence may have been brief, but the impact you had on my life is everlasting, my beloved child.” BEAUTY BONE QUOTES

“I may not know why you were taken away so soon, but I will forever cherish the moments we shared.”

“Gone too soon, but never forgotten. You will always be my baby.”

“My arms may ache to hold you, my baby in heaven, but my heart is filled with love for you.”

“Your absence may bring tears to my eyes, but your memory brings a smile to my face, my little angel.”

“Though you left this world too early, you filled my life with infinite love, my baby in heaven.”

“I may not be able to see you grow, but I feel your presence guiding me every day.”

“Your precious soul continues to shine bright, even from heaven above.”

“You may not be here, but your spirit lives on, forever ingrained in my heart.”

“My love for you knows no boundaries, my sweet baby in heaven.”

“Every Mother’s Day, I hold you close in my thoughts and send my love to you, my darling angel.”