“Angels are not defined by what we see, but by what we feel.” – Unknown

“Angels have a way of encouraging us to spread our wings and soar.” – Unknown

“Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.” – It’s a Wonderful Life

“Angels are like diamonds, beautiful and rare.” – Unknown

“When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts.” – Mary Baker Eddy

“Angels are the gatekeepers of miracles.” – Unknown

“The world is full of angels, if we only look with our hearts.” – Unknown

“Angels are not beings that we wait for in the afterlife, but beings that exist here and now, guiding and protecting us.” – Unknown

“An angel is not just someone with wings, but someone with a heart full of love.” – Unknown

“Angels are the whispering winds that guide us towards our true purpose.” – Unknown

“Angels are the doctors of our souls, healing us with their unconditional love.” – Unknown

“Angels are the silent heroes that watch over us and keep us safe.” – Unknown

“An angel is someone who helps you believe in miracles.” – Unknown QUOTES IN THE BIBLE ABOUT HAPPINESS

“Angels are the celestial beings that remind us of our divine essence.” – Unknown

“Angels are the messengers of hope, love, and faith.” – Unknown

“An angel is someone who helps you see the beauty and magic in every moment.” – Unknown

“Angels are the light in the darkness, guiding us towards the path of peace and happiness.” – Unknown

“An angel is not meant to be seen, but felt.” – Unknown

“Angels are the whispers of God, reminding us of our infinite possibilities.” – Unknown

“An angel is not afraid to walk with you through the storm, for they know the strength of their wings.” – Unknown

“Angels are the arms that carry us when we cannot walk, and the voice that speaks when we cannot find the words.” – Unknown

“An angel is a soul sent from heaven to teach us the true meaning of love.” – Unknown

“Angels are the guardians of our dreams, helping us manifest our deepest desires.” – Unknown

“An angel is not defined by their appearance, but by the love they bring into our lives.” – Unknown