“Meetings are where minutes are kept and hours are lost.” – Unknown

“The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings.” – Thomas Sowell

“The first rule of a meeting: don’t have one unless you need to achieve a specific goal that requires face-to-face interaction.” – Unknown

“In meetings, leaders help people share what they know so that decisions can be made collectively, rather than individually.” – Peter Senge

“A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours are wasted.” – James T. Kirk

“Most of what happens in meetings is either harmful or unnecessary.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

“A meeting is when people gather together to reach a joint decision that no one individually would have made.” – Fred Brooks

“Meetings: where minutes are taken and hours are lost.” – Unknown

“Meetings should be like salt – a spice sprinkled carefully to enhance a dish, not poured recklessly and thoughtlessly to ruin the whole recipe.” – Unknown

“There are two types of meetings: the ones that leave you feeling energized and accomplished, and the ones that drain you and make you question the meaning of your existence.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a meeting is not to fill the calendar but to move your organization forward.” – Unknown

“The best meetings are those where everyone walks out a little smarter and more inspired.” – Simon Sinek

“Meetings are a microcosm of what is happening in the organization. If they are ineffective, it’s likely that the organization as a whole is too.” – Unknown BETRAYAL QUOTES ABOUT FAMILY

“Ineffective meetings are contagious. When people see others wasting their time, they start to do the same.” – Unknown

“The only thing worse than a meeting that could have been an email is an email that should have been a meeting.” – Unknown

“The greatest threat to productivity is the illusion of a productive meeting.” – Unknown

“A meeting is an opportunity to share ideas, collaborate, and find solutions, not a platform for one person to dominate the conversation.” – Unknown

“One of the most valuable things we can do to heal our organizations is to stop having thoughtless, unnecessary meetings.” – Unknown

“Prepare for meetings by asking yourself: Is this meeting necessary? What do I hope to accomplish? How can I make the most of everyone’s time?” – Unknown

“The quality of your meetings reflects the effectiveness of your leadership.” – Patrick Lencioni

“A good meeting leaves everyone feeling motivated and ready to take action.” – Unknown

“Be selective about the meetings you attend. Your time is precious, and it’s better spent on actions that move the needle forward.” – Unknown

“Don’t confuse meetings with progress. Just because everyone showed up doesn’t mean anything actually got done.” – Unknown

“The purpose of a meeting is not to fill the schedule, but to create real value and drive meaningful results.” – Unknown