“Greatness lies not in the ability to stand out, but in the ability to make others shine.” – Unknown

“The measure of a great person is not the number of accolades they receive, but the number of lives they touch.” – Unknown

“A great person is one who knows their strengths and uses them to uplift others.” – Unknown

“Being a great person means being kind, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand.” – Unknown

“True greatness is not achieved through power, but through humility.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not determined by your position, but by how you treat others.” – Unknown

“A truly great person sees the greatness in others and helps them realize their own potential.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not about being perfect; it’s about embracing your imperfections and using them to inspire others.” – Unknown

“The mark of a great person is not how they treat their equals, but how they treat those who can do nothing for them.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not about what you have, but what you give.” – Unknown

“Being a great person requires having the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it’s not popular.” – Unknown DEEP QUOTES ABOUT CHERISHING FRIENDS

“To be great is to be selfless, to put the needs of others before your own.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not achieved through success alone, but through the way you handle failure.” – Unknown

“Being a great person means being accountable for your actions, owning up to your mistakes, and striving to do better.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not measured by the number of followers you have, but by the positive impact you have on their lives.” – Unknown

“A great person is not defined by wealth or status, but by the quality of their character and the kindness in their heart.” – Unknown

“Being a great person starts with self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth.” – Unknown

“Greatness is not about being better than others, but about being better than you were yesterday.” – Unknown

“A great person knows that success without integrity is meaningless.” – Unknown

“Being a great person means leaving a legacy of love, kindness, and compassion in the hearts of others.” – Unknown