“I’m not saying it’s cold outside, but I just saw a polar bear riding an iceberg down the street.”

“I’m sorry for what I said when it was cold outside.”

“Winter is nature’s way of telling you to polish up your cuddling skills.”

“I’m not ready for this weather, my body needs an extra layer of fat before hibernation.”

“I don’t need a personal trainer, I just need someone to follow me around and slap the unhealthy snacks out of my hands during winter.”

“I thought I was having a hot flash, but it turns out I just walked out into the freezing cold.”

“Do you ever wake up in the morning and think, ‘I could really use a nice warm vacation to Antarctica?'”

“The only thing getting ‘lit’ this winter are the fireplaces.”

“Winter is like a person with commitment issues, it comes and goes without notice.”

“The only thing I like about winter is that it’s socially acceptable to wear my Snuggie in public.”

“Surviving cold weather builds character, or at least layers of fat.”

“I’m not sure if I’m shivering from the cold or from the sheer stress of wearing so many layers.” SOMETHING NICE TO SAY QUOTES

“The cold weather gives me an excuse to use my oven as a hand warmer.”

“The only thing winter truly brings me is the ability to watch Netflix guilt-free.”

“No matter how warm my winter coat claims to be, my toes will always remain in an eternal state of frostbite.”

“I can’t decide if I love or hate winter; it’s like being in a long-term relationship with a moody but beautiful person.”

“Winter is when the hibernating bear inside me realizes it’s too cold to come out.”

“Hot chocolate is the solution to 99% of winter’s problems. The other 1% is a warm blanket.”

“Winter fashion tip: If your pants are too tight, just wear two pairs. It’s called layering.”

“I tried to make snow angels, but all I got was a gym membership cancellation for excessive flailing.”

“Surviving a cold winter day makes you feel like a superhero, except your superpower is surviving sub-zero temperatures.”

“You know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s too cold to complain about how cold it is.”

“Winter is the season of parties – hot tea parties, that is.”