“Love is not a transaction. It is not an exchange of goods or services. Love is a choice, a commitment, an act of vulnerability and courage.”

“Love is messy. It is not tidy or neat. It is raw and real and oftentimes painful. But it is also the most beautiful and transformative experience we can have.”

“Love is not about finding someone who completes you. It is about finding someone who accepts you as you are, flaws and all, and loves you unconditionally.”

“Love is not always easy. It takes work and effort to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship. But the rewards are worth it.”

“Love is not about possession or control. It is about giving and receiving freely, without expectations or demands.”

“Love is not always rational. It doesn’t always make sense or follow logic. But it is the most powerful force in the universe.”

“Love is not about changing someone or molding them into who you want them to be. It is about accepting them for who they are and supporting them on their journey.”

“Love is not about finding someone who is perfect. It is about finding someone who is perfect for you, despite their imperfections.”

“Love is not about always being happy or having everything go your way. It is about being there for each other during the good times and the bad.”

“Love is not about needing someone to complete you. It is about wanting to share your life with someone and being there for them through thick and thin.”

“Love is not about finding someone who fulfills all your desires. It is about finding someone who challenges you to become the best version of yourself.”

“Love is not about expecting someone to make you happy. It is about finding happiness within yourself and then sharing that happiness with another person.”

“Love is not about holding onto someone or trying to control them. It is about trusting them and allowing them to be who they are.” SHORT INFINITY LOVE QUOTES

“Love is not about finding someone who is perfect. It is about finding someone who is perfect for you, flaws and all.”

“Love is not about being with someone because they make you feel secure or comfortable. It is about being with someone because they inspire you to grow and evolve.”

“Love is not about finding someone who completes you. It is about finding someone who complements you and adds to your life.”

“Love is not about sacrificing your own happiness for someone else’s. It is about finding a balance between your needs and the needs of your partner.”

“Love is not about finding someone who agrees with everything you say or do. It is about finding someone who challenges you and helps you to see things from a different perspective.”

“Love is not about possessing someone or trying to change them. It is about supporting them and helping them to become the best version of themselves.”

“Love is not about finding someone who makes you feel whole. It is about finding someone who reminds you that you are already whole.”

“Love is not about settling for someone who is just okay. It is about finding someone who lights up your world and makes you feel alive.”

“Love is not about finding someone who is exactly like you. It is about finding someone who complements you and brings out the best in you.”

“Love is not about finding someone who is perfect. It is about finding someone who is perfect for you in all their imperfections.”

“Love is not about finding someone who completes you. It is about finding someone who inspires you to be a better person and who supports you on your journey of self-discovery.”