“Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.”

“You weren’t just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky.”

“They say love hurts, but loneliness, regret, and betrayal hurt even more.”

“When you can’t seem to let go, that’s when you know you’ve fallen too deep.”

“I may have loved you more than I loved myself, but all you did was break me into pieces.”

“The hardest part about loving someone is watching them love someone else.”

“Sometimes, the person you love the most is the one who hurts you the most.”

“I would have chosen you, every single time, but you never gave me the chance.”

“The saddest thing about love is not having someone to share it with.”

“I built up walls to protect myself, only to realize you were the reason I needed them in the first place.”

“You gave me every reason to believe in love, only to show me that it’s nothing but a cruel joke.”

“You don’t realize how much someone means to you until they’re no longer there.”

“Loving you was like finding beauty in the midst of chaos, only to be left with emptiness.”

“How can a person be the reason behind your happiness and the cause of your pain at the same time?”

“They say time heals all wounds, but I still ache for your love.”

“I never knew tears could be such a constant companion until you broke my heart.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT NOT FEELING GOOD ENOUGH

“Every night, I find myself wishing for the strength to stop loving you.”

“I could still feel the warmth of your touch, even though you were no longer here.”

“Love doesn’t always bring happiness; sometimes, it brings the deepest sorrow.”

“You were the missing piece in my puzzle, but it turned out I was just a temporary distraction in yours.”

“The worst feeling is not being lonely; it’s being forgotten by someone you could never forget.”

“I still love you, even though I know it’s a mistake.”

“Love is like a double-edged sword; it can either mend your soul or tear it apart.”

“Did you know that broken hearts are the strongest of all?”

“We promised each other forever, but forever turned out to be much shorter than we expected.”

“You were my favorite ‘hello’ and my hardest ‘goodbye.'”

“The pain of losing you is unbearable, but the pain of not having you is even worse.”

“I wish you knew how much it hurts to pretend that I’m okay without you.”

“They say love is blind, but in reality, it just chooses to turn a blind eye to the truth.”

“It’s heartbreaking to realize that the person you’ve been loving didn’t love you back in the same way.”