“A mother’s love for her daughter is like no other love in the world. It knows no boundaries or limitations and laughs at the idea of personal space.”

“Daughter, you are the only person I brag about without feeling guilty. Because being your mom makes me automatically awesome.”

“They say daughters are like the sunshine that warms your heart, but honestly, sometimes you’re more like the hurricane that knocks everything down.”

“I smile because you’re my daughter. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Remember, I brought you into this world, and I can still take you out – just with a lot more paperwork now.”

“Having a daughter is like having a best friend who’s always up for an adventure, and always steals your clothes.”

“Daughter, I hope you find a man who treats you as well as I treated your dad when you were growing up. Good luck with that.”

“Daughter, I know you roll your eyes at me a lot. Just remember, you learned that from me too.”

“As your mother, it’s my job to embarrass you whenever possible. You can thank me later for all the great stories to tell at therapy.”

“Daughter, I brought you into this world, so I expect to be on your speed dial when you need bail money.”

“I always told you I loved you to the moon and back. But now that you’re a teenager, it’s more like I love you to the fridge and back.”

“I hope you inherit my sense of humor. That way, we can laugh together when you’re in trouble and I’m grounding you.”

“Daughter, you might not be perfect, but you’re still my favorite mistake.” FLY LIKE A BUTTERFLY STING LIKE A BEE QUOTE

“They say daughters are a reflection of their mothers. So when you’re being sassy, just remember, it’s genetic.”

“Daughter, if you think you can handle the truth, ask me anything. But be prepared for an answer you may not like.”

“I can’t guarantee I’ll always be right, but I am your mother, so I’m always convinced that I am.”

“Daughter, you have a talent for driving me crazy. It’s truly impressive.”

“I know I’m not considered cool by your standards, but I am cool at least in my own mom universe. And that’s all that matters.”

“Daughter, we may not always see eye to eye, but we can always see heart to heart.”

“You may not appreciate my sense of humor, but one day you’ll thank me for your great comedic timing.”

“Having a daughter means having a lifelong partner in crime. And by crime, I mean eating all the chocolate without sharing.”

“I hope one day you have a daughter just like you. It’ll serve as the perfect revenge.”

“They say daughters make your heart melt. Well, you, my dear, have melted my brain too.”

“Daughter, there may be times when you think I’m the worst mom ever. But just know, I’m doing my best to earn that title.”