“No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.” – Wolfgang Riebe

“In a world of imperfection, being perfect is a flaw.” – Taylor Swift

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe

“To be human is to be imperfect and to embrace that imperfection is what makes us truly beautiful.” – Mandy Hale

“Nobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be perfect. Nobody has it easy, everyone has issues. You never know what people are going through. So pause before you start judging, criticizing, or mocking others. Everybody is fighting their own unique war.” – Karen Salmansohn

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi

“We are all broken, that’s how the light gets in.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.” – Anne Wilson Schaef

“Perfection is not just about control, it’s also about letting go.” – Anna Quindlen

“Perfection is not the key to happiness. Embracing your imperfections and loving yourself despite them is.” – Anonymous

“No one is perfect – that’s why understanding, compassion, and forgiveness are needed in every relationship.” – Joel Osteen THOUGHT OF THE DAY QUOTES FOR WORK

“Embrace your flaws, make mistakes, and learn from them. That’s what life is about.” – Selena Gomez

“The beauty of authenticity lies in embracing your imperfections and being comfortable in your own skin.” – Anonymous

“Embrace the glorious mess that you are.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela

“Perfection is not just unattainable, but also boring. Our flaws create our uniqueness and give us character.” – Anonymous

“Don’t strive for perfection, strive for progress. Success is not about reaching an ideal, it’s about constantly growing and becoming better.” – Anonymous

“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we are all in this together.” – Brené Brown

“Perfect is a perception; being authentic is a choice.” – Anonymous

“The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.” – George Orwell