“Do not confuse my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.”

“I can forgive, but I won’t forget your foolishness.”

“You may have made a fool of me once, but never again.”

“Laugh all you want, but foolishness has a way of catching up with you.”

“The biggest fool is the one who underestimates me.”

“You may think you made a fool of me, but you only revealed your own foolishness.”

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

“Laugh at my expense if it comforts your ego, but remember that pride comes before a fall.”

“I refuse to let your foolishness define me.”

“Making a fool of me only makes you look like a fool.”

“Never underestimate the power of silence in the face of foolishness.”

“I’d rather be known as someone who learned from their mistakes than someone who constantly makes a fool of themselves.”

“Making a fool of me only reveals your own insecurities.”

“The foolish one is not the one who makes a mistake, but the one who refuses to learn from it.”

“My worth is not determined by the opinions of fools.”

“Laughter may be contagious, but so is the truth.” QUOTES FOR CHRISTMAS FOR FRIENDS

“You may have had your moment of mockery, but I will have my moment of triumph.”

“Foolishness is like a boomerang, it always comes back around.”

“You thought you could make a fool of me, but I am stronger than your words.”

“A wise person knows when to let go of those who try to make a fool of them.”

“You can make fun of me all you want, but one day you’ll realize that your laughter was wasted energy.”

“It takes true strength to turn the tables on those who try to make a fool of you.”

“Foolishness may entertain others, but it will never earn them respect.”

“You may think you’re winning by making a fool of me, but in the end, it’s your own character that suffers.”

“Never underestimate the power of resilience in the face of foolishness.”

“Laughter fades, but resilience endures.”

“Foolishness is temporary, but integrity is everlasting.”

“Ridicule may pierce temporarily, but it can never break a strong spirit.”

“I may seem like a fool in your eyes today, but tomorrow I will rise above your mockery.”

“Your attempts to make a fool of me only serve to show your own lack of character.”