“It is better to let a guilty man go free than to condemn an innocent man.” – Voltaire

“Innocent until proven guilty.” – Unknown

“The greatest tragedy is when innocent men are wrongfully accused and their lives are shattered.” – Unknown

“An innocent man is a prisoner in his own conscience.” – Unknown

“Innocent men often have the strongest conviction, for they have nothing to hide.” – Unknown

“The true measure of a society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable, including innocent men.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The innocence of men is often overpowered by the guilt of others.” – Unknown

“An innocent man’s hope can sometimes be his only salvation.” – Unknown

“The mark of a civilized society is its ability to protect the innocent even when it is difficult or inconvenient.” – Unknown

“Innocent men should not be silenced; their voices deserve to be heard.” – Unknown

“The strength of an innocent man lies not in his physical power, but in his unwavering belief in justice.” – Unknown

“The true crime is when innocent men are punished for the sins of others.” – Unknown

“An innocent man knows the value of freedom like no other.” – Unknown

“The true test of a justice system is its ability to exonerate innocent men who have been wrongly accused.” – Unknown

“Innocent men are like diamonds in a world that often values coal.” – Unknown

“The pain of an innocent man is the heaviest burden to bear.” – Unknown BODY POSITIVE QUOTES FOR MEN

“Innocent men may be outnumbered, but they should never be silenced.” – Unknown

“Innocence is a quality that should be treasured, protected, and fought for.” – Unknown

“An innocent man’s character is never truly tarnished by false accusations.” – Unknown

“An innocent man holds onto hope even when all seems lost.” – Unknown

“The scars of injustice may linger, but the spirit of an innocent man remains unbroken.” – Unknown

“Innocent men are the heroes without capes.” – Unknown

“The tragedy of innocent men is that they are often silenced before their stories are told.” – Unknown

“Innocent men are the foundation of a just and righteous society.” – Unknown

“The path to justice is lined with the stories of innocent men who fought against adversity.” – Unknown

“Innocent men may be accused, but they cannot be defined by the accusations.” – Unknown

“The innocence of men is a testament to their strength in the face of adversity.” – Unknown

“Innocent men carry the burden of proof, while guilty men bear the weight of their actions.” – Unknown

“A society that fails to protect the innocent fails itself.” – Unknown

“Innocent men are the true victims of a broken justice system.” – Unknown