“Back in the good old days, when men were men and office supplies were made of paper.” – Unknown

“Ah, the good old days of the office: where typewriters clicked, phones rang, and fax machines hummed.” – Unknown

“In the good old days, office gossip spread by word of mouth, not by email.” – Unknown

“Remember when office meetings meant gathering around a conference table, not logging onto a video conference?” – Unknown

“The good old days of the office were filled with the sweet scent of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of coworkers working together.” – Unknown

“Those were the good old days when filing cabinets were overflowing with paperwork, not with digital files.” – Unknown

“Ah, the good old days when the boss would walk around the office instead of sending a company-wide email.” – Unknown

“Back in the good old days, happy hour at the office meant a pitcher of beer and everyone gathering in the breakroom.” – Unknown

“The good old days at the office: where the water cooler was the hub of conversation and not a Zoom call.” – Unknown

“Ah, the good old days when everyone knew the office hierarchy based on the size of their corner office.” – Unknown

“Remember when office pranks involved taping someone’s mouse or rearranging their desk, not hacking into their computer?” – Unknown FRIENDSHIP THINKING OF YOU QUOTES

“Those were the good old days when office dress codes meant suits and ties, not pajama bottoms for a Zoom call.” – Unknown

“In the good old days, we didn’t rely on autocorrect to fix our spelling mistakes in emails.” – Unknown

“Back in the good old days, lunch breaks were spent in the office cafeteria, not alone at home with a microwaved meal.” – Unknown

“Ah, the good old days when you knew it was Friday afternoon by the sound of the office printer churning out weekend reports.” – Unknown

“Remember when office politics were whispered in the hallways, not broadcasted on social media?” – Unknown

“Those were the good old days when power naps in the office were frowned upon, but tolerated.” – Unknown

“In the good old days of the office, getting a promotion meant a new nameplate on your desk, not a virtual title change on Slack.” – Unknown

“Back in the good old days, the office was buzzing with the sound of ringing telephones and the clatter of typewriter keys.” – Unknown

“Ah, the good old days when meetings ended with a handshake, not a virtual wave.” – Unknown