“A healthy relationship does not require constant apologizing or walking on eggshells.”

“He/she constantly puts you down or belittles your achievements.”

“Your partner displays controlling behaviors, such as monitoring your phone or isolating you from friends and family.”

“They frequently cancel plans or prioritize other activities over spending time with you.”

“Your partner exhibits a lack of empathy or dismisses your feelings.”

“They resort to name-calling or mocking during disagreements.”

“Your partner often lies or withholds important information.”

“They frequently cross your personal boundaries and dismiss your objections.”

“Your partner displays aggressive or violent behavior towards you or others.”

“They continually criticize your appearance or make negative comments about your body.”

“Your partner refuses to take responsibility for their actions and consistently blames others.”

“They often make promises they don’t keep or consistently break commitments.”

“Your partner exhibits extreme possessiveness or jealousy.”

“They try to control your finances and constantly question your spending habits.”

“Your partner consistently avoids discussing long-term plans or commitment.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT THE LAW

“They exhibit a lack of interest in your goals, dreams, or aspirations.”

“Your partner frequently dismisses or undermines your opinions.”

“They pressure you into engaging in sexual activities you are uncomfortable with.”

“Your partner isolates you from friends and family, making you feel dependent on them.”

“They refuse to compromise or always want things done their way.”

“Your partner consistently breaks promises or fails to follow through with commitments.”

“They have a history of cheating or being unfaithful in prior relationships.”

“Your partner exhibits explosive anger or temper tantrums.”

“They constantly make you feel guilty or responsible for their unhappiness.”

“Your partner displays an excessive need for control and dominance in the relationship.”

“They consistently make sexist, racist, or derogatory remarks.”

“Your partner exhibits overly possessive behavior, such as checking your phone or social media accounts without permission.”

“They frequently engage in gaslighting, making you doubt your reality or sanity.”

“Your partner demonstrates a lack of respect for your boundaries or consent.”