“I’m so lazy that I hired a dog walker for my pet rock.”

“My friend is so lazy that they invented a machine to change TV channels with their mind.”

“I asked my lazy friend to help me move, and I ended up doing all the heavy lifting while they took a nap on the couch.”

“My lazy friend’s idea of exercise is moving the recliner closer to the fridge.”

“I told my lazy friend to get a job, and they applied to be a professional napper.”

“My lazy friend’s idea of a productive day is binge-watching an entire season of a TV show.”

“My lazy friend is so laid back, they’re practically horizontal.”

“I asked my lazy friend for a ride, and they offered to push me in a shopping cart instead.”

“My lazy friend is a master of multitasking – they can simultaneously be asleep and procrastinating.”

“My lazy friend’s favorite exercise is stretching the truth about how active they are.”

“My lazy friend is an expert at finding shortcuts, especially when it comes to avoiding any kind of physical exertion.”

“My lazy friend has mastered the art of avoiding responsibility – they could be an Olympic gold medalist in laziness.”

“My lazy friend’s fitness routine consists of walking to the fridge and back during commercial breaks.” FRIENDSHIP BENCH QUOTES

“My lazy friend’s dream job is being a mattress tester.”

“My lazy friend invented a chair that reclines so far back, it’s practically a bed.”

“My lazy friend’s motto is ‘Nap now, work never.'”

“My lazy friend’s idea of a marathon is watching an entire season of a TV show in one sitting.”

“My lazy friend thinks gym memberships are a waste of money – they consider sleeping to be a full-body workout.”

“My lazy friend’s ambition is to become a professional couch potato.”

“My lazy friend’s favorite hobby is watching other people work.”

“My lazy friend’s idea of going for a run is chasing the ice cream truck down the street.”

“My lazy friend believes in the power of positive laziness.”

“My lazy friend’s greatest fear is running out of snacks while binge-watching their favorite show.”

“My lazy friend’s favorite excuse for not doing something is ‘I’m conserving energy for something important.'”

“My lazy friend’s ideal job is being a professional nap taker – they take their napping skills very seriously.”