“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” – William Shakespeare

“Go to hell, but don’t expect me to save you a seat.”

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” – William Congreve

“May you find yourself in a hot place, surrounded by unpleasant company.”

“Hell is other people.” – Jean-Paul Sartre

“Go to hell, and take your lies with you.”

“Hell is the absence of God.” – C.S. Lewis

“Hell is paved with good intentions.” – Samuel Johnson

“May you burn in hell for your sins.”

“Go to hell, and take your negativity with you.”

“Hell is living a life filled with regret.”

“May you find yourself in a never-ending spiral of suffering.”

“Go to hell, but don’t forget your sunscreen.” FATHERHOOD SINGLE FATHER QUOTE

“Hell is where the heart is broken beyond repair.”

“May you find eternal damnation for your wicked deeds.”

“Go to hell, and take your toxic energy with you.”

“Hell is being trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain.”

“May you be condemned to an eternity of torment.”

“Go to hell, and take your poisonous words with you.”

“Hell is the place where hope goes to die.”

“May you burn in hell for your betrayal.”

“Go to hell, but leave your baggage behind.”

“Hell is knowing that you have caused immense pain to others.”

“May you suffer in the depths of hell for your crimes.”

“Go to hell, but don’t expect me to join you there.”