“Karma never loses an address.”

“What goes around, comes around.”

“Karma is like a boomerang – whatever you throw out into the world will eventually come back to you.”

“The universe has a way of balancing things – karma takes care of the rest.”

“Don’t be surprised when karma knocks on your door.”

“You reap what you sow.”

“Bad karma follows those who intentionally harm others.”

“Karma doesn’t have a menu, you get served what you deserve.”

“Life has a way of giving you back what you put in – be mindful of your actions.”

“Karma doesn’t forget, it just waits for the right moment.”

“Your actions always have consequences – karma is just one of them.”

“Beware of the seeds you plant, for karma knows how to grow them.” RAP QUOTES ABOUT LOSING FRIENDS

“Karma is like a mirror – it reflects what you project.”

“Trust that the universe will handle all those who wronged you – karma always finds its way.”

“Be good to others, for karma is always watching.”

“Karma has no deadline – it comes when the time is right.”

“Do good, and good will come back to you.”

“Whether you believe in it or not, karma will always find its way.”

“Karma isn’t personal – it’s a universal force.”

“Karma is the silent judge of our actions.”

“The energy you put out into the world shapes your karma.”

“Karma is a lesson-giver, teaching us the consequences of our choices.”

“Be kind, for karma is listening.”