“Narcissism is the ultimate form of self-destruction.” – Unknown

“In a world full of ego, be a humble soul.” – Unknown

“Narcissism is a barrier to personal growth and authentic connections.” – Unknown

“Humility is not weakness; it is the antidote to narcissism.” – Unknown

“True confidence is knowing your worth without needing validation from others.” – Unknown

“Narcissism seeks admiration, while humility seeks respect.” – Unknown

“The greatest strength is found in selflessness, not self-obsession.” – Unknown

“Authenticity shines brighter than any narcissistic facade.” – Unknown

“Narcissism may attract attention, but sincerity attracts hearts.” – Unknown

“True beauty is not found in a mirror, but in one’s character.” – Unknown

“Narcissism is the ego’s desperate attempt to mask its own insecurities.” – Unknown

“Genuine confidence does not rely on tearing others down; it builds them up.” – Unknown

“The emptier the ego, the stronger the narcissism.” – Unknown

“Narcissism is a prison that isolates the soul from true connection.” – Unknown MUM QUOTES FOR MOTHERS DAY

“The less you care about others’ opinions, the more authentic you become.” – Unknown

“Narcissism is the art of self-deception disguised as self-love.” – Unknown

“True love requires empathy, something narcissism lacks.” – Unknown

“Don’t let narcissism blind you from seeing the beauty in others.” – Unknown

“Narcissism may temporarily inflate the ego, but it will never nourish the soul.” – Unknown

“Kindness and humility are the antidotes to narcissism.” – Unknown

“Narcissism is a toxic shield that prevents true self-reflection.” – Unknown

“Don’t mistake arrogance for confidence; true confidence is humble.” – Unknown

“Narcissism is a prison that keeps you trapped in a shallow reality.” – Unknown

“Genuine admiration should be reserved for actions, not appearances.” – Unknown

“Narcissism seeks validation, while self-love seeks acceptance.” – Unknown

“True success is measured by the impact we have on others, not by our own vanity.” – Unknown

“Narcissism thrives on attention, but true happiness thrives on inner peace.” – Unknown