“Dear Dad, you always told me that an honest man has nothing to fear, so I’m trying my best.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned, but the second mouse, he struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter and he walked out. As I walked out of the airport, it occurred to me that we, all of us, have been handed this bucket of cream. What are we gonna do with it?” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“Why do the Yankees always win? The other team can’t stop looking at the pinstripes!” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“The truth is I’m not a doctor or a lawyer. I was just a kid who loved his mom and dad and decided he’d do whatever it took to get them back together.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” – Frank Abagnale Sr.

“You know, most doctors didn’t even know what Internet was back then, but for some reason, you knew everything.” – Carl Hanratty

“Dear Dad, you always told me that an honest man has nothing to fear, so I’m trying my best not to be afraid.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“I love my con man.” – Paula Abagnale

“The truth is, I’m not a doctor. I never went to medical school. I’m not a lawyer or a Harvard graduate or a Lutheran. I ran away from home a year and a half ago when I was ” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“I’ve got nothing to lose.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“The way I saw it, if Dad really wanted out of the institution, he could do it himself. Or do you consider yourself an institution?” – Frank Abagnale Jr. SAD QUOTES ABOUT DOGS DEATH

“I was making more money at age 19 than my parents were making their whole life together.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“But you’re not a CPA. You never went to law school or medical school. You don’t have a master’s degree in applied mathematics. You studied French literature in college.” – Carl Hanratty

“The truth is, son, that’s the duality of man. The Jungian thing, sir, is that men have got to go out there and explore. Not settle. You know, conquer. Expand. Otherwise, they shrivel up and die.” – Frank Abagnale Sr.

“If you don’t want to serve the time, don’t do the crime.” – Agent Briley

“For one moment, look at your life from my perspective. Seventeen thousand dollars a year, tax-free. Do you know what that means? That means I can buy my own boat. I can buy my own house.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“I trust everyone. It’s the devil inside them I don’t trust.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“You let them get away.” – Frank Abagnale Jr.

“You’re nothing but a two-bit con man living in some fancy hotel suite.” – Carl Hanratty

“You want to translate that into swimsuit and parade around?” – Frank Abagnale Jr.