“I’m not sure I’m adult yet.”

“I don’t personally believe that villains exist.”

“Mayhem is good.”

“I have nightmares about every aspect of Hollywood.”

“I have nightmares about being on set and forgetting my lines.”

“If I had to describe myself, I’d say I’m a Clint Eastwood”

“I’m not short, I’m travel-size.”

“I’ll work until the day I die or the day someone tells me to stop.”

“Life is too short to spend it with people who suck the happiness out of you.”

“Work is important, but my greatest passion has always been my family.”

“Any experience is good experience, except for the bad ones.” STRONG WOMAN FAMILY QUOTES

“When life gets hard, I usually just watch romantic comedies.”

“To be honest, I don’t really know that much about fashion.”

“I always seem to get the evil villains.”

“In a relationship, honesty and trust are everything.”

“I’m not funny. What I am is brave.”

“I’m not really a morning person, but coffee helps.”

“I fear I’m not entirely normal.”

“I’ve always been a bit of a late bloomer.”

“I guess the best advice I have is just be yourself, and you’ll be fine.”

“It’s never too late to make a comeback.”