“Going back to work after a holiday is like trying to start a lawnmower after winter.”

“After a vacation, going back to work is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.”

“I’m back to work after a holiday, and my brain is still lounging in a hammock somewhere.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like getting a wake-up call from reality.”

“Going back to work after a holiday feels like trying to fit all the clothes you bought on vacation into a small suitcase.”

“After a holiday, my motivation to work is on vacation mode.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like trying to unfreeze your brain from vacation mode.”

“The last thing I want to do after a holiday is put on my work shoes.”

“After a holiday, returning to work feels like trying to fit a sunburned body into a three-piece suit.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like putting a deflated beach ball back in its box.”

“After a holiday, my brain’s GPS forgets the way to the office.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like reprogramming yourself from vacation to vocation.”

“After a holiday, work is the bitter medicine I have to swallow.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like trying to push a boulder uphill with a toothpick.” FRIDA KAHLO NOT FRAGILE LIKE A FLOWER QUOTE

“After a holiday, my motivation to work could be classified as a missing person.”

“Going back to work after a holiday feels like trying to swim against the current of relaxation.”

“The only thing harder than going back to work after a holiday is trying to button your pants after indulging in vacation food.”

“After a holiday, going back to work is like trying to deflate your happiness and pack it in a briefcase.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like waking up from a fantastic dream into a Monday morning nightmare.”

“After a holiday, even my coffee needs a double shot of motivation to get me through the workday.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like trying to jump back into a treadmill at top speed.”

“After a holiday, the real world gives me a rude awakening: the alarm clock.”

“Going back to work after a holiday is like trying to fit all the beach sand back into your flip-flops.”

“After a holiday, even my computer screen seems to be mocking my lack of motivation to work.”

“Going back to work after a holiday feels like trying to tame a wild horse named Laziness.”

“After a holiday, my work productivity could be measured by the speed of a snail on tranquilizers.”