Sure, here are 22 funny quotes about grocery shopping:

“I went grocery shopping and accidentally picked up a bottle of wine. So technically, I’m on a liquid diet.”

“Grocery shopping: where you spend half your time looking for things you need and the other half avoiding people you know.”

“Grocery shopping is my cardio. I get my steps in by going back and forth in the aisles trying to remember what I forgot.”

“Sometimes I buy healthy groceries, but then I ruin it by buying a chocolate bar at the checkout. It’s called balance.”

“Grocery shopping is like a real-life treasure hunt, but with no map, where you just wander aimlessly until you find what you need.”

“Me: I’ll only get what’s on my grocery list. Also me: ooh, limited edition Cheetos! I must try them!”

“Grocery shopping tip: never go on an empty stomach, or you’ll buy everything you see, even the questionable items.”

“Grocery shopping with a toddler is like trying to juggle flaming knives while on a unicycle. There will be tears, both theirs and yours.”

“If it requires more than three ingredients, it’s not going in my shopping cart. I refuse to make a science project out of dinner.”

“Grocery shopping is like a marathon, except you’re pushing a cart, and it’s full of snacks you’ll eat before you cross the finish line.”

“Grocery shopping should come with a warning: ‘You will be tempted to buy Oreos, and you will give in.'” I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SISTER QUOTES

“I love grocery shopping; it gives me a sense of control in my life. Plus, stalking the bakery section is my form of retail therapy.”

“When I see a sale at the grocery store, I buy now and think about the expiration date later.”

“Grocery shopping: the only place where a gallon of milk costs less than a bottle of water.”

“I’m like a professional grocery shopper. I can spot a sale from three aisles away, and I’m not afraid to pounce.”

“Grocery shopping is my least favorite cardio because it involves pushing a cart, calculating prices, and pretending to be an adult.”

“Sometimes I go grocery shopping just to walk around and pretend like I have my life together.”

“I don’t understand why the bakery section is always at the front of the grocery store. It’s like they want us to give in and buy cake before we even start shopping.”

“Grocery shopping in a rush is like a reality TV show. You have a list, a ticking clock, and the challenge to find everything without breaking something.”

“Grocery shopping with kids is like playing a never-ending game of ‘No, you can’t have that,’ and ‘Please put that back.’ It’s exhausting.”

“Grocery shopping is the art of buying things you don’t need with money you don’t have while avoiding people you know.”

“I wish my fridge magically refilled itself. That way, I could avoid the soul-crushing task of grocery shopping.”