“Fetch is never going to happen, stop trying to make it a thing.”

“Just accept that fetch is not going to catch on and move on.”

“Let go of the idea of making fetch happen, it’s not going to happen.”

“Trying to force fetch to become popular is futile, just let it go.”

“The sooner we stop trying to make fetch happen, the better.”

“Let’s put an end to this futile attempt to make fetch happen.”

“Save yourself the effort, fetch is not going to work.”

“Stop trying to force fetch into the world, it’s not meant to be.”

“Quit trying to make fetch happen, it’s just not going to.”

“No matter how hard we try, fetch will never become a trend.”

“Stop wasting energy on trying to make fetch a thing, it won’t work.”

“It’s time to abandon the idea of making fetch happen.”

“Give up on trying to make fetch happen, it’s a lost cause.”

“Trying to make fetch a popular phrase is simply pointless.”

“Stop the futile attempt to make fetch a part of our vocabulary.”

“Stop forcing fetch into conversations, it’s not going to catch on.” CLOSE FRIENDSHIP QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Let’s move on from the idea of making fetch a cultural phenomenon.”

“The harder we try, the more apparent it becomes that fetch won’t happen.”

“Stop trying to push fetch into the mainstream, it’s not going to work.”

“It’s time to let go of the dream of making fetch happen.”

“Fetch is not going to become a trend, no matter how much we try.”

“Quit trying to make fetch happen, it’s time to find a new trend.”

“Forget about trying to make fetch a thing, it’s an uphill battle.”

“No one is interested in making fetch happen, let’s drop the idea.”

“Stop wasting energy on trying to make fetch a popular phrase, it won’t happen.”

“Let’s face the truth, fetch is never going to become popular.”

“Trying to force fetch into the conversation is futile, give up already.”

“Leave the concept of fetch behind, it’s time to move on.”

“The more we try, the more obvious it becomes that fetch won’t happen.”

“We need to accept that fetch is not going to become a thing and move on.”