“You can’t make someone like you if they don’t want to.”

“Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t appreciate you.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to let go of someone who doesn’t like you rather than constantly trying to win their approval.”

“Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay.”

“Don’t give someone the power to dictate your self-worth.”

“You deserve someone who appreciates and likes you for who you are.”

“If someone doesn’t like you, it’s their loss, not yours.”

“Don’t let someone’s opinion of you define how you see yourself.”

“You can’t force someone to like you, no matter how hard you try.”

“Focus on attracting the people who genuinely like you rather than trying to change someone’s opinion.”

“Sometimes, rejection is a blessing in disguise.” STITCH FAMOUS QUOTE

“When someone doesn’t like you, it’s a reflection of them, not you.”

“It’s better to be disliked by someone for being yourself than liked for pretending to be someone you’re not.”

“Surround yourself with people who appreciate and value you.”

“Never settle for someone who doesn’t see your worth.”

“Don’t chase after someone who doesn’t see your value; you deserve someone who does.”

“Life is too short to waste it on someone who doesn’t like you.”

“Love yourself enough to walk away from someone who doesn’t like you.”

“Your happiness shouldn’t depend on someone’s validation or approval.”

“You are worthy of love, respect, and acceptance, even if someone doesn’t like you.”