“Sometimes, even though you still love someone, you have to let them go for your own happiness.”

“Loving you is not enough when we can’t make each other happy anymore.”

“Breaking up doesn’t mean I don’t care, it means I can no longer bear the pain of being in this relationship.”

“I still love you, but I can’t continue pretending that everything is okay when it’s not.”

“Sometimes we have to walk away from the person we love the most, not because we want to, but because we have to.”

“Loving you means letting go, even if it hurts.”

“If staying together means losing ourselves, then it’s better to part ways.”

“It hurts to say goodbye to someone you still love, but it hurts more to hold on when both of you are suffering.”

“Love alone cannot fix a broken relationship that is no longer serving either of us.”

“I still care about you, but I have to prioritize my own well-being now.”

“I have to let go of the love I have for you, so I can find the happiness I deserve.”

“Sometimes love means making difficult choices, even if it breaks our hearts.”

“Walking away from someone I still love is the hardest decision I have ever made.”

“I can’t continue fighting for a relationship that only brings pain and sadness into our lives.” I WILL BE YOUR SUPPORT QUOTES

“I deserve a love that is reciprocated, and sadly, that is no longer possible between us.”

“Loving you should never mean sacrificing my own happiness.”

“We can’t force love to work, no matter how much we still care for each other.”

“It’s time to let go and allow ourselves to heal, even if it means leaving behind someone we still love.”

“Leaving doesn’t mean I stopped loving you; it means I love myself enough to prioritize my own well-being.”

“Breaking up with you is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done because a part of me will always love you.”

“We may have love, but love alone is not enough to sustain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.”

“Sometimes, loving someone means giving them the freedom to find their own happiness, even if it’s without us.”

“Leaving is painful, but staying would be even more painful when the love we share is slowly fading away.”

“It’s heartbreaking to say goodbye to someone you still love, but sometimes it’s necessary for our own growth.”

“Loving someone doesn’t mean tolerating constant hurt and disappointment; it means respecting ourselves and setting healthy boundaries.”

“I will always cherish the memories we shared, but it’s time for us both to move on and find happiness elsewhere.”

“Breaking up with you doesn’t mean I stopped loving you; it means I love myself enough to let go and pursue a better future.”