“A bad sister can ruin your day, but a good sister can ruin your life.”

“Sometimes being a sister means you have to tolerate being a bad one.”

“Blood doesn’t always make someone family. A bad sister can make you feel more alone than anyone else.”

“A bad sister is like a dark cloud that follows you wherever you go.”

“Having a bad sister is like having a constant source of negativity in your life.”

“A bad sister is like a toxic force that can poison even the strongest bond.”

“A bad sister can bring out the worst in you, but a good sister can inspire the best in you.”

“Having a bad sister is like having a constant battle with someone who always seems to be against you.”

“A bad sister can make you question your worth and leave you feeling unworthy of love and support.”

“Having a bad sister is like having a constant reminder of how toxic relationships can be.”

“A bad sister can tear your family apart, sowing seeds of discord and resentment.”

“A bad sister can make even the happiest moments feel bittersweet.” QUOTES ABOUT FINDING YOUR PLACE

“A bad sister is like a black hole, constantly sucking the happiness out of your life.”

“Having a bad sister is like having a burden that you can never shake off.”

“A bad sister can make you question your own sanity and make you doubt your own judgment.”

“Having a bad sister is like constantly walking on eggshells, afraid of triggering her wrath.”

“A bad sister can make you feel like you’re walking a never-ending tightrope of disappointment.”

“Having a bad sister is like having a constant reminder that family isn’t always a safe space.”

“A bad sister can make you feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

“Having a bad sister can make you crave the love and attention that you never received.”

“A bad sister can sabotage your relationships and make it difficult to trust others.”

“Having a bad sister is like being stuck in a never-ending tug of war, constantly battling for control and dominance.”

“A bad sister can make you question your own worth and leave you feeling undeserving of love and happiness.”