“A relationship without effort is like a car without fuel; it won’t get you very far.”

“If you aren’t willing to put effort into a relationship, you shouldn’t expect it to last.”

“The best relationships are built on mutual effort and commitment.”

“Love is not a one-sided effort; it takes two people working together.”

“Easy relationships often lack depth and growth.”

“Effort shows how much you care in a relationship.”

“No effort in a relationship leads to a lack of connection.”

“Relationships flourish when both partners put in equal effort.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship where the effort is one-sided.”

“Effort is the language of love in a relationship.”

“The more effort you invest in a relationship, the more rewarding it becomes.”

“True love is shown through consistent effort in a relationship.”

“Don’t expect a flourishing relationship without putting in the effort.” BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT FALLEN SOLDIERS

“Love and effort go hand in hand in a successful relationship.”

“A relationship without effort is like a flower without water; it withers away.”

“Effort is the foundation of a strong and healthy relationship.”

“You get out of a relationship what you put into it.”

“Effort is the key ingredient in building trust and intimacy in a relationship.”

“Successful relationships thrive on consistent effort and communication.”

“Don’t take your partner’s efforts for granted; appreciate and reciprocate them.”

“Effort is the glue that holds a relationship together during tough times.”

“No effort in a relationship is a sign of indifference and lack of investment.”

“Effort is a demonstration of your commitment to your relationship.”

“A true partnership requires ongoing effort and compromise.”

“Effort is the secret ingredient that turns a relationship from good to great.”