“Support from family and friends keeps you going when times are tough.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who is always there to support and uplift you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes all we need is a little support and encouragement to achieve greatness.” – Unknown

“Support is like a bridge that helps us cross the difficult times in life.” – Unknown

“A strong support system can give you the strength to overcome any challenge.” – Unknown

“Support is not just about being there physically, but also emotionally and mentally for someone.” – Unknown

“When people support each other, incredible things can happen.” – Unknown

“Support is like a safety net that catches you when you fall.” – Unknown

“True support is standing by someone even when they make mistakes.” – Unknown

“The support and understanding of loved ones can make a world of difference in someone’s life.” – Unknown

“Having someone who believes in you can give you the confidence to pursue your dreams.” – Unknown

“Support is about being present for someone, through the highs and lows.” – Unknown

“A kind word or a small act of support can have a huge impact on someone’s life.” – Unknown

“Support is not about fixing someone’s problems, but rather being there and listening without judgment.” – Unknown

“Support is the foundation on which friendships and relationships are built.” – Unknown GOD QUOTES AND SAYINGS

“When you support others, you also support yourself by creating a positive environment.” – Unknown

“Support is like a beacon of light in times of darkness.” – Unknown

“Support is about lending a helping hand and offering encouragement without expecting anything in return.” – Unknown

“Support is not a one-time gesture, it is an ongoing commitment to be there for someone.” – Unknown

“Sometimes all it takes is a small act of support to change someone’s day for the better.” – Unknown

“Support is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and compassion.” – Unknown

“Support is about believing in someone’s potential, even when they doubt themselves.” – Unknown

“The best way to support someone is by empowering them to believe in themselves.” – Unknown

“Support is about showing up, even when you don’t have all the answers.” – Unknown

“Support is about creating a safe space for someone to express themselves without fear of judgment.” – Unknown

“Support is about standing up for what is right, even when it is not popular.” – Unknown

“Support is about being a cheerleader for someone’s dreams and aspirations.” – Unknown

“The power of support can heal wounds, build bridges, and change lives.” – Unknown