“Dad, thanks for always being my personal ATM.”

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad… and not just because of all the bad jokes.”

“I’m thankful for my dad’s sense of humor, even if it’s really just a series of puns and Dad jokes.”

“Happy Father’s Day to the man who always told me to ‘pull my dad jokes out of my hat.’ Thanks for the never-ending laughter.”

“Dad, you’ve always known how to embarrass me in public, and for that, I am forever grateful.”

“Dad, you’re like a walking dictionary of bad jokes, but we still love you anyways.”

“Happy Father’s Day to the dad who taught me not only the birds and the bees, but also how to roll my eyes at bad jokes.”

“Dad, thanks for always having a ‘dad bod’ — it gave me an excuse for not having abs.”

“Happy Father’s Day to the guy who always has a spare dad joke ready to go. You’re truly one in a melon.”

“My dad always told me I was going places… like straight to the kitchen to make him a sandwich.”

“To the dad who always embarrasses me in front of my friends, may your jokes never get better.”

“Dad, thanks for always teaching me the important things in life, like how to change a light bulb and how to tell a bad pun.” SOON TO BE HUSBAND QUOTES

“Happy Father’s Day to the man who always makes sure we have enough ‘dad jokes’ in our household to last a lifetime.”

“Dad, thanks for teaching me the fine art of sarcasm. It’s a skill that has served me well in life.”

“I’m pretty sure my dad has a degree in dad jokes… or at least a PhD in puns.”

“Happy Father’s Day to the king of cheesy one-liners. You can always make us groan and laugh at the same time.”

“Dad, I may have inherited your sense of humor, but luckily I didn’t inherit your taste in music.”

“To the dad who always has the perfect awkward dance moves, Happy Father’s Day!”

“Dad, you’re the reason I know the punchline before the joke even starts. Thanks for that.”

“Happy Father’s Day to the dad who somehow manages to make bath time funny… even when water is involved.”

“Dad, thanks for always being the funniest person in the room (even if you’re also the only one laughing).”

“To the man who always seems to find a way to ‘dad joke’ his name into every conversation, Happy Father’s Day!”

“Dad, thanks for teaching me how to laugh at life, even when it feels like a bad joke.”