“You say tomato, I say who cares? It’s a tomato!” – Will Truman

“I’m not gay. I’m not straight. I’m Grindr-sexual. I just like getting attention from the GPS on my phone.” – Will Truman

“If grace is a gift, then what is this present?” – Karen Walker

“There’s nothing wrong with being gay. It’s just not for me.” – Jack McFarland

“Gays and lesbians cannot reproduce. We don’t have the plumbing. All we can do is practice making babies. And we practice a lot.” – Karen Walker

“You can kiss me, but don’t tell my husband. He thinks I’m still john only to him.” – Karen Walker

“You’re just like the health department. Always trying to close down my bathhouses.” – Jack McFarland

“Honey, my character’s a multi-millionaire. You think she’s gonna have a line?!” – Karen Walker

“A person can’t be in two places at once, but a drink can.” – Jack McFarland

“We will be fabulous. Even if it kills me. And it just may.” – Karen Walker

“If I could run across the beach into my own arms, I would.” – Karen Walker OBSERVANT PERSON QUOTES

“You’ve always looked at people and seen what they can do, not who they are.” – Will Truman

“There were plenty of times when I thought I was alone, but looking back, I see now that you were always there.” – Grace Adler

“Just because I’m crying doesn’t mean you can’t be a bitch.” – Jack McFarland

“I know what alcohol does to the human body. I just wish it would do it faster.” – Karen Walker

“I haven’t had this much fun since all those vacations I never took.” – Jack McFarland

“You are a living example of why contraception should be legal.” – Karen Walker

“I have more vodka than blood in my veins.” – Karen Walker

“Everybody loves a pirate. Hell, even the mouth-breathing imbeciles of this world dress up as pirates for Halloween.” – Karen Walker

“You don’t have to change a thing. I love you just the way you are, all cozy and happy in your psychological messiness.” – Will Truman

“You’re like a gay superhero. You save people from having sex with you.” – Grace Adler