“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” – Stephen King

“Monsters are not under our beds, but inside our heads.” – Unknown

“The greatest monster is the one within ourselves.” – Edgar Allan Poe

“We create monsters with the love we withhold.” – Unknown

“Monsters are real, and they look like ordinary people.” – Kathleen Kent

“Beware of those who hide a monster behind their smile.” – Unknown

“The true monster is the one who self-destructs.” – André Gide

“Monsters are born from man’s ignorance and fear.” – Ursula K. Le Guin

“We all have monsters inside us, and it is our choice to let them define us or defeat them.” – Unknown

“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“In every person there’s a secret monster that wants to devour everything.” – Haruki Murakami

“The only way to conquer the monster within is to face it head-on.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the monster we fear the most is the one we create ourselves.” – Unknown TWIN SISTER QUOTES SHORT

“Monsters are real, and they’re not actually hiding in the dark, they’re embedded deep within our own souls.” – Unknown

“The monsters in our minds can be more terrifying than any physical creature.” – Unknown

“We may try to hide our true selves, but we cannot escape the monster that dwells within.” – Unknown

“Monsters are not born, they are made by circumstances.” – Unknown

“The greatest monsters are often the ones who wear a smile.” – Unknown

“Fear is what gives power to the monsters we create.” – Unknown

“Monsters are a reflection of our darkest fears and insecurities.” – Unknown

“Monsters are the result of unchecked anger, hatred, and resentment.” – Unknown

“The biggest monster in life is not the one under your bed, but the one inside your head.” – Unknown

“Monsters are not the ones who look different, but the ones who act different.” – Unknown

“Monsters can be defeated, not by weapons, but by unity and compassion.” – Unknown

“The real monster is not the one hiding in the shadows, but the one we become when we give in to our darkest impulses.” – Unknown