“Never mix friendship with business, as it can cloud judgment and ruin relationships.” – Unknown

“A good friendship does not always guarantee a successful business partnership.” – Unknown

“Doing business with friends can blur boundaries and lead to misunderstandings.” – Unknown

“Friendship is precious, and it’s best not to risk it by involving money or business.” – Unknown

“Business partnerships can be challenging, but adding friendship into the mix can make it even more complicated.” – Unknown

“Friendships can be ruined by disagreements or conflicts that arise from doing business together.” – Unknown

“Business decisions should be based on rationality and logic, not personal relationships.” – Unknown

“Mixing business with friendship can lead to favoritism and bias, which is detrimental to the success of a company.” – Unknown

“Friendships are built on trust, but business can sometimes require making tough decisions that may break that trust.” – Unknown

“Differences in work ethics and commitment levels can strain both friendship and business.” – Unknown

“When money is involved, even the closest of friends can become adversaries.” – Unknown FEELING SAD POEMS AND QUOTES

“It’s better to have a successful business and retain a friendship rather than risk losing both.” – Unknown

“Friendships are built on shared interests and common values, not necessarily on shared business goals.” – Unknown

“Business partnerships require professionalism and objectivity, which can be challenging to maintain with friends.” – Unknown

“Doing business with friends can complicate decision-making, as emotions may interfere with rational choices.” – Unknown

“Friendship should be cherished, so it’s best to avoid jeopardizing it by mixing it with business.” – Unknown

“The line between personal and professional can become blurred when doing business with friends.” – Unknown

“When personal problems arise, it can affect business partnerships, leading to strained friendships.” – Unknown

“Choose business partners based on their skills and expertise, rather than your personal relationship with them.” – Unknown

“Business requires a level of detachment that can be difficult to maintain with friends.” – Unknown

“Doing business with friends can lead to unspoken expectations, creating tension and disappointment.” – Unknown