“People come and go, but the right ones will stay.” – Unknown

“Some people come into your life for a season, and some for a lifetime.” – Unknown

“People leave traces of themselves where they go.” – Haruki Murakami

“People come and go, but memories last forever.” – Unknown

“Everyone who enters your life has a role to play; some come to teach you, some to test you, some to inspire you, and some to love you.” – Unknown

“People come and go, but true friends leave footprints in your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“In the journey of life, some people will pass by you, but only few will leave footprints in your heart.” – Unknown

“The only constant in life is change, and people are no exception.” – Unknown

“Don’t be sad about people leaving your life; be grateful for the lessons they taught you while they were there.” – Unknown

“Life is a revolving door of people; some enter your life, some exit, and some stay to share the journey with you.” – Unknown

“People come and go, but the impact they leave behind lasts forever.” – Unknown

“Don’t mourn the loss of people in your life, cherish the memories and appreciate the experience they brought you.” – Unknown

“People leave imprints on our lives, shaping who we become. Some stay for a brief moment, while others leave a lasting legacy.” – Unknown

“People come and go, and that’s okay. Embrace the ebb and flow of life’s connections.” – Unknown TIGGER SAYINGS QUOTES

“Be grateful for the people who enter your life, and let go of those who choose to leave.” – Unknown

“The pain of someone leaving shouldn’t overshadow the joy of someone new entering your life.” – Unknown

“People come and go, but the lessons they leave behind remain.” – Unknown

“Don’t hold onto people who have already let go of you.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste time trying to hold onto people who no longer want to be in your life. Let them go and make space for new connections.” – Unknown

“Allow people to come and go as they please, and focus on the ones who choose to stay.” – Unknown

“People may come and go, but your worth and value remain constant.” – Unknown

“Life is a constant cycle of hellos and goodbyes; embrace the journey and cherish the moments with the people who matter.” – Unknown

“People who come into your life and then vanish have taught you the power of resilience and self-reliance.” – Unknown

“Don’t hold grudges for people who have left, instead be grateful for the experiences shared and the growth they inspired.” – Unknown

“People come and go like waves on the shore, always changing, always flowing.” – Unknown

“Learn to let go gracefully, as some people are only meant to be part of your past, not your future.” – Unknown

“As people come and go, remember that you are the constant in your own life story.” – Unknown