Here are 22 quotes from the book “Goodnight Mister Tom” by Michelle Magorian:

“There are some things that just make life seem so much sweeter.”

“A person always feels better when they know someone else cares about them.”

“You’re never alone, if you’ve got something you like doing.”

“He just sat there and listened, as he had learned to do over the years.”

“People never notice anything. They’re too busy trying to impress each other.”

“Sometimes, it’s better to leave things unsaid.”

“He’d never had anyone to say ‘don’t’ to him before,”

“Mr Tom wanted to ask why it always seemed to be the good ones who died.”

“Sometimes you don’t have to be a part of a family to belong.”

“Some memories are so painful that they’re better left buried.”

“It was the smallest things that made him feel part of something.” I CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR SITUATION QUOTES

“He’s got old people’s blood in him.”

“Dreams are a way of the mind telling us things.”

“He thought how lucky he was to have found a friend who didn’t expect anything from him.”

“Everyone said he was a special boy, but it took too long to discover where.”

“News traveled fast in a small village.”

“Learning to love was probably the hardest lesson of all.”

“He thought about how Mr Tom had become his new savior.”

“He desperately wanted to prove he was worthy of being loved.”

“It’s amazing what children can do when they’re given a chance.”

“For the first time in his life, he felt wanted.”

“They had to be content with what they had and make the best of it.”