“Look at me, I’m Chandler. Could I *be* wearing any more clothes?” – Joey

“I want a million dollars…but I’ll settle for a date with Joey.” – Monica

“If I were omnipotent for a day, I’d make everyone in the world cook me a roast chicken.” – Rachel

“Food’s food. I could’ve been an Eskimo and eaten whale blubber for twenty years, and it wouldn’t kill my appetite for this stuff.” – Joey

“I’m sorry, did my back hurt your knife?” – Ross

“I can’t have a mimosa because I’m on antibiotics, but I might be able to have a little champagne and orange juice. I’ll have a moo point.” – Phoebe

“To mock or not to mock?” – Chandler

“Mmm, chocolate. It’s like eating a delicious brain.” – Joey

“All right, I took the quiz. Turns out I do put career before men.” – Rachel

“I wish I could, but I don’t want to.” – Phoebe

“I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” – Chandler

“What’s not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Good.” – Joey

“Oh, I’m sorry, did my pin get in the way of your a**?” – Ross

“I’m not ashamed to say I eat alone. I’m good company.” – Joey

“The fridge broke, so I had to eat everything.” – Monica QUOTE ABOUT SOCIAL LIFE AND ILLNESS

“I hate Thanksgiving because it’s all about food and I love food.” – Chandler

“It’s a moo point. It’s like a cow’s opinion; it doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” – Joey

“It’s just a sandwich! It’s not a ‘this guy I used to like in high school’-wich.” – Monica

“I can handle food too quickly. It freaks me out sometimes.” – Ross

“If you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows, then please give me money so I can buy a computer.” – Phoebe

“Should I use my invisibility to fight crime or for evil? Or should I not use it at all because it doesn’t exist?” – Chandler

“It’s a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You know what that means? It means we’re lobster people.” – Phoebe

“You have to stop the Q-Tip when there’s resistance!” – Ross

“Fine, don’t eat there. See if I care. Go to hell, you… and bring me back a cheesesteak.” – Joey

“The fridge broke and I’ll have to eat everything.” – Monica

“You threw my sandwich away?! My sandwich? MY SANDWICH?!” – Ross

“Why would I watch something that’s about nothing?!” – Monica

“I have to live with a boy… who loves to start his day with a bowl full of disgusting lumps!” – Phoebe