“I can’t remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep. The only thing keeping me awake is the fear of missing an important patient assessment.”

“I’m starting to think that caffeine is a mandatory prerequisite for nursing school.”

“Nurse’s prayer: Lord, give me the strength to smile politely when a patient says ‘You must be new here’ for the third time today.”

“I’ve become an absolute pro at giving injections. My friends are running out of arms to practice on.”

“When it comes to studying, I’ve mastered the art of procrastination like no other. But hey, at least my textbooks make great sleep aids!”

“I’ve learned that if a patient asks ‘Will this hurt?’, the correct answer is always ‘It might pinch a little.'”

“I’m starting to suspect that my clinical instructors are secretly superheroes with the ability to be in five places at once.”

“Every time I tell someone I’m a nursing student, they automatically assume I know their entire medical history. Sorry, I’m not that good… yet.”

“I’ve already aced the ‘looking busy while doing nothing’ skills. It’s all about that nurse poker face.”

“I’ve learned to appreciate the therapeutic power of laughter. Because when you accidentally drop a bedpan, it’s either laugh or cry.”

“My fellow students and I have mastered the art of running in scrubs. It’s like we’re training for a nursing marathon!”

“On my first day of clinicals, I was so nervous that my stethoscope made more noise than my heartbeat.” INSPIRATIONAL COMMUNITY QUOTES

“I’ve realized that nursing school is like a never-ending rollercoaster ride. The highs make you feel like you’re on top of the world, and the lows make you want to scream.”

“I’ve become immune to bodily fluids. Who needs a stomach when you’re a nursing student?”

“I’ve learned that coffee is the nectar of the nursing gods. It keeps me sane during those 12-hour shifts.”

“My average conversation with friends starts with ‘So, today at the hospital…’ and ends with ‘Wow, I forgot what we were originally talking about.'”

“I can diagnose myself with every disease I’ve learned about in class. WebMD should hire me as a part-time nurse.”

“I’ve realized that nursing is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle… a sleep-deprived, caffeine-fueled, and incredibly rewarding lifestyle.”

“Sometimes all you need to brighten a patient’s day is a good old-fashioned fart joke. Laughter truly is the best medicine.”

“I’ve become a master of multitasking. In one shift, I can perform three different procedures, answer a million phone calls, and still find time to check social media.”

“When I tell my non-nursing friends about my day, they look at me like I’m speaking a different language. Med-surg, ICU, ER… they all sound the same to them.”

“I’ve accepted the fact that my wardrobe now consists entirely of scrubs and comfortable shoes. Fashion is overrated when you’re saving lives.”