“जीवन अक्सर गहिरो औषधी घाउ खाने टिमीमा भियो, तर धेरै थाहा पाउँदैन।”

(Life is often like a deep wound that only you can feel, but many don’t understand.)

“जीवन नै भनेको बग्नेको टाराईजस्तो छ, किनभने त्यो गार्नु एकैपटक हुन्छ भने, हामीले अहोरात्र उजान दिने गाडी छैन।”

(Life is like a muddy swamp, because even if we want to cross it together, we don’t have a car that drives nonstop.)

“जीवनलाई सुन्नु भयो पनि, उसले कत्रो चोट गर्दा हलम्बो उठाइरहेको थियो ।”

(Even though I tried to listen to life, it had already raised its hand when it hurt.)

“जिन्दगीलाई मुस्कान दिएर पनि हास्छौं, जब कुनै गोधामा कुनै बसन्त मिल्छ।”

(I smile at life, even if I find a bit of spring somewhere in a desert.)

“हाम्रो आँसुले भूत जन्मेका हुन, अरुको मुस्कानले हामीलाई हामीलाई भाग्य दिनेछ।”

(Our tears are born from past lives, but someone else’s smile will give us our luck.)

“सजिलै भनेको जिन्दगीमा सुख त कहिल्यै धेरैसम्म मुस्किलले पुग्छ।”

(In life, what is easily said as happiness is often achieved through great difficulties.)

“जीवनको हेरान्ति बृद्धि गर्ने सयौं उपाय छन्, तर हेलाइले त्यसलाई त पसार्न सक्दैन।”

(Life has a hundred ways to increase distress, but it cannot spread that distress through laughter.)

“आफैले टुक्रिएको धर्मलाई अरुले मान्न पाउन सक्दैन।”

(One’s shattered faith cannot be restored by others.)

“सबै गलती हाम्रै नयाँत्रित हैनन्, कसैले हाम्रो दुःख नियन्त्रित गर्न सक्दैन।”

(Not all mistakes are within our control, and no one else can control our pain.)

“जीवनको असल औषधि घाउ हो, जुन जानी-अजानीलाई सयौं गर्दैछ।”

(The real medicine of life is wounds, which we all give and receive.)

“आफ्नो सुख नभाउने मान्छेको दुखको किनारा हेरेर त हेर्यो, धेरै हेरेर त छार्दै छ।”

(Looking at the coast of someone who can’t find their own happiness, I watched for a long time but eventually sailed away.)

“जिन्दगीलाई पनि तिनको आचरणले सिकाउँछ, जुन उसले अर्कोलाई शिक्षा नदिएको छैन।”

(Life also teaches through its behavior, which it hasn’t taught another.)

“मन खुशी छैन, तिनले सुनेनन्, तर मुस्कान छ हामीले सुनाएनौं।”

(They didn’t hear my heartache, but we haven’t shown our smile.) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DAUGHTER AND DAUGHTER IN LAW QUOTES

“जीवनलाई बदल्न खुशीले रुवाएर सक्चौं भने तर कुनै खुशीले मन दुखाउन सक्दैन।”

(If happiness can change life by crying, then no happiness can hurt the heart.)

“संगीले मान्न गर्नालाई तिनको मुटुले त जिउँछ, तर दुख गर्नालाई म म मिसिन्छु।”

(Their heart lives to believe in companionship, but I am born to feel pain.)

“जीवन संगी बदलन सक्छ, तर हेराइ खोज्न सक्दैन।”

(Life can change companions, but it cannot search for viewing.)

“जीवनले त कत्रो मायाले गर्दा हलम्बो उठायो भन्दैन।”

(Life doesn’t say it raised its hand when love hurt.)

“जिन्दगीलाई देख्ने टनले धेरै नाउटहाउँछ।”

(The darkness of the tunnel is often deeper when looking at life.)

“जीवनको दरबारमा हार्दिक किसानले चालकको कारणले हीराको आरोप गरेको छैन।”

(In the court of life, the hardworking farmer does not accuse the driver of being the reason for the diamond.)

“सुखले दुखको दंगो भन्दामा हेर्नेको बुढी बुढाको खेतमा जान्छौं।”

(When happiness talks about the havoc of sadness, I go to an old person’s field.)

“हामीले कत्रो स्थानमा जीवनलाई बसाउछौं, तर हामिलाई म्यान लाग्ने गर्न सक्दैन।”

(We can make life settle in any difficult place, but it cannot touch us.)

“जीवनको गाडिलाई केही गर्ने खुशी छ, जुन पनि चालकले त्यो गर्छ।”

(Life’s car is happy to do something, whatever the driver does.)

“जिन्दगीले चाहेको थाहा पाइने मात्रै गराउनलगेरोलाई हेलाइ पनि पहिचान्न सक्दैन।”

(Life cannot recognize screaming by just giving attention to what it wants.)

“कसैको जिन्दगी यसले गदहरू संग बिताए।”

(Someone’s life is spent with this, surrounded by darkness.)

“जीवनको प्रकाशमा जाने खुशी

Unfortunately, due to character limitations, we can’t provide the translation of the last quote.