“Sometimes the hardest part about having close friends is realizing that they aren’t always there for you like you are for them.” – Unknown

“Friendships shouldn’t be hard. If you find yourself constantly struggling, it might be time to reevaluate who you surround yourself with.” – Unknown

“It’s painful when you realize that the people you thought were your friends aren’t really there for you during difficult times.” – Unknown

“Hard times will always show you who your real friends are.” – Unknown

“Finding out who your true friends are can be a tough process, but it’s necessary for your own happiness and growth.” – Unknown

“Having a hard time with friends doesn’t mean you’re a bad friend, it just means you’re growing and evolving.” – Unknown

“Sometimes friendships go through tough times, but it’s important to communicate and work through it if you value the relationship.” – Unknown

“When you’re going through a hard time, the friends who genuinely care will stick around to support you.” – Unknown

“It’s easy to have friends when everything is going well, but the true test is seeing who stands by you during your darkest moments.” – Unknown

“Friends who are there for you during your toughest times are the ones worth holding onto.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to have a hard time with friends, as long as you’re actively working towards resolving the issues and maintaining a healthy relationship.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the reason we struggle with our friends is because they’re not meant to be in our lives for the long run.” – Unknown WILL U BE MY FRIEND QUOTES

“True friends are there to lift you up when life gets hard, not drag you down further.” – Unknown

“Having a hard time with friends can be a blessing in disguise, as it helps you identify who truly belongs in your life.” – Unknown

“Friendships can be challenging, but the ones that are meant to last will endure the tests of time.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to outgrow friends who no longer bring positivity and support into your life.” – Unknown

“If a friend is causing you more stress than happiness, it may be time to reassess the relationship.” – Unknown

“Sometimes friendships end not because of any wrongdoing, but because both parties have moved onto different paths in life.” – Unknown

“Having a hard time with friends can teach you valuable lessons about boundaries, trust, and the importance of self-care.” – Unknown

“Friendships should uplift and inspire you, not bring you down or make you question your worth.” – Unknown

“The hardest part about having a hard time with friends is accepting that it’s okay to let go and create space for healthier relationships.” – Unknown

“Remember, it’s better to have a few true friends who genuinely care about you than a large group of acquaintances.” – Unknown