“Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.” – Unknown

“Anger management? Nah, I prefer anger diffusion through sarcastic remarks.” – Unknown

“Friends don’t let friends go to bed angry, they annoy them until they resolve their issues.” – Unknown

“I’m not always angry, but when I am, my friends hide their snacks.” – Unknown

“I’m not saying my friends are angry all the time, but they might be auditioning for the role of Hulk.” – Unknown

“I’m not angry, just extremely enthusiastic in expressing my disagreement.” – Unknown

“True friends help you hide the body. Angry friends help you find one.” – Unknown

“Me? Angry? Nah, I’m just having a heated debate with myself.” – Unknown

“You know you have an angry friend when their middle finger performs better than their manners.” – Unknown

“I’m not mad at you, I’m just creatively expressing my frustration.” – Unknown

“Angry friends are like reusable anger management therapy.” – Unknown

“They say anger is a waste of energy, but I consider it my cardio workout.” – Unknown

“My friend’s anger is like a magic trick, disappearing as soon as they receive food.” – Unknown

“Waking up angry is the perfect opportunity to stay in bed and avoid people.” – Unknown BEST DWAYNE JOHNSON QUOTES

“I’m not angry; I’m just surrounded by idiots.” – Unknown

“Anger is my superpower. I can transform into a raging ball of sarcasm.” – Unknown

“I apologize for any inconvenience my anger may have caused. Just kidding, I regret nothing!” – Unknown

“Angry friends have a special skill: they can make a desert feel like they should apologize for the heat.” – Unknown

“I don’t have an anger management problem, I have an idiot management problem.” – Unknown

“Some people have resting bitch face; my friend has resting angry face.” – Unknown

“Angry friends are like human fireworks – you never know when they’ll explode.” – Unknown

“My friend’s anger is like a subscription; it’s always on auto-renewal.” – Unknown

“I’m not angry; I’m just so fabulous that it infuriates people.” – Unknown

“Angry friends don’t need a reason to be mad. They create their own reasons like professional engineers.” – Unknown

“I can’t control my friend’s anger, but I can offer them snacks as a distraction technique.” – Unknown

“Angry friends are the perfect embodiment of ‘fake it till you make it’ when it comes to happiness.” – Unknown