“Friendship is not about tolerating each other’s flaws, but about accepting and supporting one another unconditionally.” – Unknown

“True friends are there in good times and bad, they don’t walk away when the road gets tough.” – Unknown

“Sometimes friends walk away from us, not because they don’t care, but because they are tired of carrying the weight of our problems.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never walk away from you when you need them the most.” – Unknown

“When a friend walks away, it may be a reminder that some relationships are only meant to be temporary.” – Unknown

“Real friends stick by you, even when it’s easier to walk away.” – Unknown

“Not all friendships are meant to last a lifetime, but the ones that do are truly worth cherishing.” – Unknown

“Sometimes friends walk away because they’ve outgrown the relationship, and that’s okay.” – Unknown

“You can’t force someone to be your friend if they choose to walk away, let them go and find those who truly appreciate you.” – Unknown

“True friends may walk away for a while, but they always find their way back to each other.” – Unknown

“Don’t be sad when friends walk away, be grateful for the lessons they taught you along the way.” – Unknown

“Friends who walk away without any explanation were never really your friends to begin with.” – Unknown YOU LOOK LIKE QUOTES

“Sometimes friends walk away because they were never meant to be a part of our journey.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than to keep toxic friends who only bring negativity into your life.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the absence of friends define your worth; true friends will never walk away.” – Unknown

“True friends stay, no matter how difficult things get.” – Unknown

“When friends walk away, it opens space for new and better friendships to enter your life.” – Unknown

“Friendship is a two-way street; both parties need to put effort into maintaining a strong bond.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to waste it on people who don’t value your friendship.” – Unknown

“Sometimes friends walk away to give us the opportunity to grow and find ourselves.” – Unknown

“There’s a difference between friends who walk away and friends who are merely distant; true friends always find a way back.” – Unknown

“The friends who choose to stay by your side are the ones worth keeping for a lifetime.” – Unknown