“The greatest feeling in the world is being wanted by someone you want.” – Anonymous

“To be wanted is to feel loved and cared for. It’s a beautiful feeling in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted in a relationship is the key to happiness and fulfillment.” – Unknown

“The feeling of being wanted generates a sense of security and belonging.” – Unknown

“Being wanted makes you feel valued and cherished in a relationship.” – Unknown

“When you are wanted, you feel like you belong in someone’s heart and life.” – Unknown

“Being wanted means that someone sees your worth and wants you in their life.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted is a beautiful assurance that you are desired and cherished.” – Unknown

“Being wanted by the right person creates a sense of contentment and happiness in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted is a powerful emotion that enhances the bond between two individuals.” – Unknown

“Being wanted is not only about physical attraction, but also about emotional connection and compatibility.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted is like a constant affirmation that you matter to someone.” – Unknown

“Being wanted in a relationship gives you a sense of purpose and significance.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted is like a constant reassurance that you are loved and desired.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT IT

“Being wanted creates a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the person who wants you.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted in a relationship infuses you with a sense of self-worth and confidence.” – Unknown

“Being wanted means that someone is willing to go the extra mile to make you happy and feel loved.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted is a profound emotion that can positively impact your overall well-being.” – Unknown

“Being wanted in a relationship makes you feel like the most special person in the world.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted ignites a passion and desire to reciprocate the love and affection in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Being wanted means that someone sees your true essence and wants to be a part of your life.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted is like receiving a constant reminder that you are enough and worthy of love.” – Unknown

“Being wanted creates a deep sense of security and stability in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted in a relationship cultivates an environment of trust and emotional intimacy.” – Unknown

“Being wanted means that you are not just an option, but a priority in someone’s life.” – Unknown

“Feeling wanted enhances the overall happiness and satisfaction in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Being wanted by the right person is a blessing that should never be taken for granted.” – Unknown