“You have my permission to use my credit card, as long as you only buy me presents.”

“I hope you find a man who treats you just like I treat your father when he’s being really nice.”

“Remember, I was your age once, and I probably invented all the cool slang words you’re using.”

“As your mother, it’s my job to embarrass you in public. Consider it my special gift to you.”

“You may think you know everything, but trust me, I know way more!”

“I would clean your room for you, but then you’d never learn how to be an adult and hire someone to do it for you.”

“Just so you know, every gray hair on my head is a direct result of something you did.”

“If you don’t want your secrets to be spilled, just remember that I have a really good memory when it comes to embarrassing moments.”

“I may not always give the best advice, but at least I’ll make you laugh while I’m trying.”

“Being your mom is like being a detective – I’m always one step ahead of you!”

“You are my daughter, which means you inherited my flawless sense of humor.” YOUR LEGACY WILL LIVE ON QUOTES

“Remember, there’s no problem too big that a little shopping spree can’t fix.”

“I may nag you a lot, but it’s only because I care… and because it’s really fun.”

“I always knew you’d inherit my wit and charm – lucky you!”

“If someone tells you you’re turning into me, that’s the biggest compliment they could give you.”

“No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little girl who can’t cook or do laundry.”

“If loving you was a sport, I would have retired undefeated, because you’re always keeping me on my toes.”

“Just remember, no matter how successful you become, I’ll always have that embarrassing baby picture to bring you back down to earth.”

“You are proof that I’ve raised a daughter who is just as crazy and fun as I am.”

“Remember, I may know everything about you, but I’ll still deny it to anyone who asks.”