“Some people will only love you as long as you’re useful to them; once your purpose is fulfilled, they’ll see no value in you.” – Unknown

“Don’t let people use you. Recognize your worth and set boundaries for those who only seek to benefit from your kindness.” – Unknown

“When you realize that some people only approach you when they need something, it becomes essential to distance yourself and protect your own well-being.” – Unknown

“Don’t be a doormat for others. Stand up for yourself and don’t let people walk all over you.” – Unknown

“To be used by others is a choice you make when you fail to prioritize your own self-respect and happiness.” – Unknown

“Don’t let people take advantage of your good nature. Surround yourself with those who appreciate you for who you are, not just what you can do for them.” – Unknown

“If people only show up when they need something, it’s time to question their intentions and reconsider your relationship with them.” – Unknown

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. Don’t let people devalue you by using you.” – Unknown

“Stop letting people use your kind heart as an opportunity to take advantage of you. Protect your energy and give it to those who deserve it.” – Unknown

“Beware of those who only seek your presence when they need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on. They’re not true friends.” – Unknown

“Don’t be a tool in someone else’s game. Take charge of your own life and refuse to be used by others.” – Unknown HOPE FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED QUOTES

“Some people will drain your energy and manipulate you only to satisfy their own needs. Stay aware of their intentions and distance yourself if necessary.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than surrounded by people who only see you as a means to an end.” – Unknown

“Don’t let people take advantage of your kindness. Respect yourself enough to say no when necessary.” – Unknown

“If you constantly feel used and unappreciated, it’s time to reevaluate the relationships you have and surround yourself with better people.” – Unknown

“Some people will only be there for you as long as you have something to offer. Learn to identify those who genuinely care for you.” – Unknown

“Don’t allow someone to use you as their stepping stone. Stand tall and don’t let anyone exploit your abilities for their own gain.” – Unknown

“When someone only reaches out to you when they need something, it’s a clear indication that they value what you can do, not who you are.” – Unknown

“Be cautious of those who shower you with attention only when they want something from you. Their intentions may not be genuine.” – Unknown

“Remember, being used by someone doesn’t make you a kind person; it makes you an easy target. Choose your friends wisely.” – Unknown