To cite two quotes in one sentence in MLA format, you can separate the two quotes with a semicolon and provide the necessary information for each quote. Here are 21 examples:

(Author’s Last Name page number); “Quote two”

(Author’s Last Name page number).

(Last Name page number) ; “Quote two”

(Last Name page number).

(Author’s Last Name, page number); “Quote two”

(Author’s Last Name, page number).

(Last Name, page number); “Quote two”

(Last Name, page number).

According to Author’s Last Name, “Quote one”

(page number); similarly, “Quote two”

Author’s Last Name asserts, “Quote one”

(page number); furthermore, “Quote two”

(page number) says Author’s Last Name, and “Quote two”

(page number) supports this.

Author’s Last Name argues that “Quote one”

(page number), whereas “Quote two”

(page number) contradicts this view.

According to Last Name, “Quote one”

(page number), and “Quote two”

(page number) illustrates a similar point.

In the words of Author’s Last Name, “Quote one”

(page number), and another idea expressed is “Quote two”

Last Name notes that “Quote one”

(page number), and “Quote two”

(page number) echoes this sentiment. LIFE IS LIKE COLORS QUOTES

(Author’s Last Name page number), as cited in Last Name, “Quote two”

If the two quotes are from different authors, you can use the following format:

(Author’s Last Name page number); “Quote two”

(Other Author’s Last Name page number).

Here are some examples using this format:

(Author One’s Last Name page number); “Quote two”

(Author Two’s Last Name page number).

According to Author One’s Last Name, “Quote one”

(page number); conversely, Author Two’s Last Name argues “Quote two”

Author One’s Last Name believes “Quote one”

(page number), while Author Two’s Last Name asserts “Quote two”

(Author One’s Last Name page number) presents one perspective; however, “Quote two”

(Author Two’s Last Name page number) presents an alternative viewpoint.

If the quotes are from the same author but from different sources, use the following format:

(Author’s Last Name, Title of Source, page number); “Quote two”

(Author’s Last Name, Title of Another Source, page number).

Here are examples with this format:

(Author’s Last Name, Title of Book, page number); “Quote two”

(Author’s Last Name, Title of Article, page number).

According to Author’s Last Name in Title of Book, “Quote one”

(page number); alternatively, in Title of Article, “Quote two”

If the quotes are from different authors and different sources, use the following format:

(Author One’s Last Name, Title of Source, page number); “Quote two”

(Author Two’s Last Name, Title of Another Source, page number).