“A true friend is someone who defends you even when you’re not around to defend yourself.” – Unknown

“Defending someone you love isn’t a choice, it’s a natural instinct.” – Unknown

“A loyal friend will always defend you, whether you are right or wrong.” – Unknown

“Never hesitate to defend someone who cannot defend themselves.” – Unknown

“Those who defend the weak are the true heroes of this world.” – Unknown

“Defending someone doesn’t mean you agree with everything they do; it means you stand up for them no matter what.” – Unknown

“Defending someone doesn’t make you weak; it shows your strength and integrity.” – Unknown

“Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves; it’s the noblest thing you can do.” – Unknown

“The measure of a person’s character is how they treat those who can do nothing for them.” – Unknown

“A strong person stands up for themselves, but a stronger person stands up for others.” – Unknown

“Defending someone’s honor is a mark of true loyalty.” – Unknown

“Not defending someone when you know they’re being mistreated is the same as condoning the mistreatment.” – Unknown

“If you want to know someone’s true character, observe how they defend others.” – Unknown POSITIVE QUOTES FOR PTSD

“Defending someone against unfair criticism is an act of love and support.” – Unknown

“Defending someone takes courage, especially when you face opposition for doing the right thing.” – Unknown

“Sometimes standing up for someone means standing alone, but it’s worth it.” – Unknown

“Defend people against rumors, as you would want them to defend you.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to defend someone’s dignity; it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give.” – Unknown

“To defend someone means to fight for justice and fairness.” – Unknown

“Defending someone you care about is a responsibility, not an option.” – Unknown

“When you defend someone, you become their shield against the world.” – Unknown

“Defending someone against injustice is an act of kindness that can change their life.” – Unknown

“Defending someone’s rights is defending the values that hold our society together.” – Unknown

“It’s better to stand by someone’s side and be seen as a fool than to abandon them and be deemed a coward.” – Unknown