“Dad, you’ve always been my hero…my personal ATM.”

“Dad, you may be the king of dad jokes, but at least you’re the ruler of your own domain.”

“Listening to my dad’s jokes is like paying a toll on a terrible pun highway.”

“I’m convinced my dad’s superpower is the ability to embarrass me in any situation.”

“Dad, you may not be a stand-up comedian, but you sure know how to make me laugh…at your expense.”

“I asked my dad if he was a magician, and he replied, ‘No, but I can make your money disappear!'”

“Dad, you’re like a walking dictionary…of terrible jokes.”

“My dad’s dance moves could rival Napoleon Dynamite…and not in a good way.”

“At this point, I’m convinced my dad’s favorite place is dad-joke rehab.”

“Out of all the superheroes, my dad’s alter ego is Captain Dad Joke.”

“Dad, you’re like a human GPS…lost half the time.”

“My dad doesn’t need a remote control for the TV…he just talks louder.” POSITIVE QUOTES ABOUT CHANGE AND GROWTH

“My dad is a pro at finding misplaced items…in the last place I would ever look.”

“I asked my dad what his favorite color is, and he replied, ‘Clear, because it goes with everything.'”

“Dad, you’ve mastered the art of selective hearing…especially when it comes to taking out the trash.”

“I used to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy…then I met my dad.”

“My dad’s DIY skills are unmatched…in the ‘Let’s-Fix-It-With-Duct-Tape’ category.”

“I once asked my dad if he knew any jokes about sodium…he replied, ‘Na.'”

“My dad’s middle name should be ‘Oops!’ because he’s a pro at accidentally breaking things.”

“I asked my dad if he had any life advice for me, and he said, ‘Don’t listen to everything I say…especially my dad jokes.'”

“My dad can turn any family photo into a fashion disaster…he’s got a talent.”

“Dad, your cooking skills are truly unmatched…in the realm of burning water.”

“I asked my dad if he had any jokes about construction, and he replied, ‘Sorry, they’re still under construction!'”