“The worst feeling is when you have a friend who is there but not really there.”

“When someone shows you who they truly are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

“Sometimes the people you thought were your friends turn out to be the ones who couldn’t care less about you.”

“It’s better to have no friends than to have friends who don’t care about your feelings.”

“You don’t need an abundance of friends; you need a few who actually care.”

“A true friend cares about your happiness, not just their own convenience.”

“A friend who is always too busy for you is not a friend at all.”

“A real friend supports and encourages you, even when they have nothing to gain.”

“Friends who only appear during good times are not worth keeping around.”

“True friends are there through thick and thin, not just when it’s convenient for them.”

“The saddest part of having uncaring friends is realizing you cared more about them than they ever did about you.”

“Sometimes you have to distance yourself from people who don’t appreciate your presence.”

“Don’t waste your time chasing after friends who don’t value your friendship.”

“Your real friends are the ones who are there for you even when they have no reason to be.”

“Surround yourself with friends who genuinely care about your well-being.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT LOVE AND HAPPINESS

“It’s heartbreaking when friends become strangers due to their lack of care and effort.”

“If someone consistently shows you that they don’t care, it’s time to let go of that friendship.”

“A true friend listens to you, supports you, and understands your feelings.”

“Sometimes the hardest lesson to learn is that not everyone who smiles at you is a friend.”

“True friendship should be based on mutual care and support, not one-sided effort.”

“Friendship should never be a one-way street; both parties should invest in each other.”

“Surround yourself with friends who make an effort to stay in your life, not those who fade away easily.”

“Don’t be the only one putting effort into a friendship. It’s tiring and not worth it.”

“You deserve friends who make you feel valued, not ones who constantly make you question your worth.”

“It’s sad when friends become strangers because they stopped caring.”

“A friend who consistently lets you down is not a friend worth keeping.”

“Sometimes you have to accept that not everyone is capable of being a true friend.”

“Don’t waste time on friends who don’t care. Surround yourself with people who genuinely value you.”

“You are worthy of friendships that are filled with care, love, and support.”