“Sometimes the pain inside is too strong to resist.”

“It’s like a dark cloud that keeps following me, no matter how hard I try to escape.”

“The familiar taste of self-destruction is tempting me again.”

“In the depths of my despair, self-harm seems like the only relief.”

“The scars of my past haunt me, reminding me of the release self-harm once offered.”

“When life gets overwhelming, self-harm becomes my temporary escape.”

“The twisted comfort of self-infliction pulls me back into its grasp.”

“I’m caught in a vicious cycle of self-destruction, unable to break free.”

“The intensity of my emotions drives me towards self-harm.”

“The darkness within me calls for self-harm as a way to cope.”

“I can’t escape the addiction of self-harm, it’s become a part of me.”

“The pain on the outside distracts from the emotional pain within.” SHORT QUOTES ABOUT HIKING

“I’m tired of fighting the urge to harm myself, it feels inevitable.”

“Self-harm is my twisted way of maintaining control over my pain.”

“The scars tell a story of my struggle, but also reflect my relapse.”

“Every setback pushes me closer to the edge of self-harm once again.”

“The emptiness inside pushes me towards self-destruction.”

“I’m drowning in my own emotions, seeking solace through self-harm.”

“The temporary relief self-harm offers blinds me to the long-term consequences.”

“The scars serve as a constant reminder of my weakness and vulnerability.”

“I’m trapped in a cycle of self-harm, unable to break free from its grip.”

“Self-harm whispers in my ear, promising temporary relief from my pain.”

“Relapsing into self-harm feels like a betrayal to myself, but I can’t resist its allure.”